Photo Gallery
Blind photography. Yep, its a thing!
There are many like myself who use a camera and a computer to see what we may otherwise miss.
Read more about the how’s and why’s of blind photography here.
The Blurry Borders exhibition of photography is hitting galleries soon! Click here to find out more.
Here are some of my favourite photographs from my travels.
(All photos are copyright. Unsolicited use is strictly prohibited. Contact me at if required.)
Little Shop of Raiinbows. Peshawar, Pakistan.
Java, Indonesia
Hot Wheels. Java, Indonesia
Technicolour Coat. Java, Indonesia
Peshawar, Pakistan
Himalayas, Ladakh, India
The male lion lying on his belly with front legs stretched out and a slight snarl on his face while the author again holds his tail with the other hand imitating a lion’s paw
Queen’s Tattoo. Rakhine, Myanmar
Java, Indonesia
Balancing Act. Peshawar, Pakistan
Not Here for a Haircut. Rajhastan, India
Balancing Act 2. Java, Indonesia
There is a Light that Never Goes Out. Swat Valley, Pakistan
You Hit the Wog Note Billy Goat. Peshawar, Pakistan
Java, Indonesia
Under my Umberalla 2. Kathmandu, Nepal
Java, Indonesia
On the road to Leh
Nightlife on the Ganges, Varanasi, India
Balloons always catch the eye
Sikhs enjoying the sight of the Golden Temple at night
Rajhastan, India
Big Yellow Taxi. Inle Lake, Myanmar
Smile. Java, Indonesia
Don’t Take Your Guns to Town. Kalash Valley, Pakistan
Peace. Java, Indonesia
Ruins and umberalla, Hampi, India
Java, Indonesia
Himalayas, Ladakh, India
Tea Toast and Turmoil. Peshawar, Pakistan
In the Balance. Peshawar, Pakistan
Chicken Little. Thailand
Peshawar, Pakistan
The author giving a thumbs up while standing next to a male lion. The lion’s head is tilted with mouth open
Street balloons, a favourite subject of mine, India
Shared bed, Rajatan, India
Peshawar, Pakistan
Lumchtime. Peshawar, Pakistan
Peshawar, Pakistan
Peshawar, Pakistan
Breakfast. Peshawar, Pakistan
You Can’t Touch This. Malana, India
Meet me in the Middle of the Air. Peshawar, Pakistan
Blurry Basket. Java, Indonesia
99 Red Balloons. Rajhastan, India
Smokin’ Joe. Java, Indonesia
Peshawar gentleman, on holidays, Madyan, Swat Valley, Pakistan
Peshawar, Pakistan
Peshawar, Pakistan
Under my Umberalla. Java, Indonesia
Java, Indonesia
High plains desert, Himalayas, Ladakh, Leh
My camera loves balloons and smiles, Rajastan, India
Row Row Row Your Boat. Varanasi, India
(What’s that Sound?) Winning Smile
A mule train in the Himalayas
Off His Head. Peshawar, Pakistan
Will the Circle be Unbroken. Rajhastan, India
Rakhine, Myanmar
Peshawar, Pakistan
Imagine. Myanmar.
Golden Rock, Myanmar.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Imle Lake, Myanmar
Talking Fishing Blues. Inle Lake, Myanmar.
Photo Bomb. Peshawar, Pakistan
‘Ear ‘Ear. Peshawar, Pakistan
Terrai, Nepal